Thursday, January 24, 2013


On rolled up world map i searched India and found in one corner crushed under the constitution of a few chair lovers..

I wanted to know  who formed the first world map and got the details of cartography..

"Anaximander was a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher who lived in Miletus, a city of Ionia; Milet in Modern Turkey is credited with is credited with having created one of the first maps of the world, which was circular in form and showed the known lands of the world grouped around the Aegean Sea at the center. This was all surrounded by the ocean"

A Babylonian world map, known as the Imago Mundi, is commonly dated to the 6th century BCE. The map was reconstructed by Eckhard Unger   shows Babylon on the Euphrates. surrounded by a circular landmass showing Assyria Uratu and several cities, in turn surrounded by a "bitter river", with  islands arranged around  The accompanying text mentions outer regions beyond the encircling ocean. "

I walked back from google and from cartography..

In front of me the latest  map of the world and India travels
on tarred and re-tarred pothole roads set for future in supersonic speed....
I opened Meera's Book..
World deviates somewhere from her view point..
In neatly marked sheets Meera fills her sea shells..
She writes and re-writes every day....
In tarpaulins, in make shift canopies memories and reminders fight.

In broken fragments of a soft feeling
eras turn blank 
None needs questions nor answers
but floats around as if world ends
if not reminded..
In forgotten alphabets
wisdom tried to speak
atop in pillars but failed
because it stood on shadows..

What is it all about..
It is not partially blurred.. Meera has written and I have read..
That is truth.. what she has told me is truth.. The fine line which  is broken spreading all around unpleasantness.. From the broken fragments people took one one alphabet and tossed according to their wish and finally in battlefields when the last drop of goodness is lost graphs were created on colours. Projected in a way to finish or settle or capitalize or to deceive..

In one  corner of the world map, i see India..

Meera writes... she knows what happened..
No one told her in detail but she knows..
People dislikfacts at times.... or disapprove truth seekers..Meea was discouraged on iron walls but she wrote as her conscience was strong to block even to break an iron wall..
At times life itself will turn as one statement of misunderstandings..

On the line of  full stop, a reminder; it keeps coming ahead of world search.. In my book i have not added an entry for the past 60 days..
I was fighting with reminders.. Meera was filling images.... 
I heard Meera's poetic heartbeats. I looked into my earthen reflections. I watched how Meera writes in my heartbeats softly like a monsoon raindrop....I could not hide her from my face.. our heartbeats merged in one rain drop..

Centuries ago, before the world was pictured on a map 

i thought how it could be....
how it could be.. 
I read once again about cartography..
"Anaximander was the first to publish a map of the world.

"Greek is very poetic a language... Greeks are very creative.. "
Meera wrote in her Diary..... 



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